This is a list of publications authored by members of the P-lab since 2021; links are to the journal web-site. For older papers, check out George’s Google Scholar profile.
- Dai, D., Yu, D., Gao, W., PERRY, G.L.W., Paterson, A.M., You, C., Zhou, S., Xu, Z., Huang, C., Cao, D., Curran, T.J. & Cui, X. 2025. Leaf dry matter content is phylogenetically conserved and related to environmental conditions, especially wildfire activity. Ecology Letters 28, e70056. Journal.
- Simpkins, C.E., Bellingham, P.J., Reihana, K. Brock, J.M.R. & PERRY, G.L.W. 2025. Evaluating the effects of two newly emerging plant pathogens on northern Aotearoa-New Zealand forests using an individual-based model. Ecological Modelling 500, 110938. Open access.
- PERRY, G.L.W, Lee, F. & McGlone, M.S. 2024 Surveying knowledge production in New Zealand ecology: towards a resilient publication system. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 48, 3756. Open access.
- Elliott, T.A.W., Burns, B.R., PERRY, G.L.W. & McInnis-Ng, C. 2024. The role of frost tolerance in defining the “kauri line” floristic boundary. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 48, 3568. Open access.
- Tomlinson, S., Lomolino, M.V., Wood, J.R., Anderson, A., Brown, S.C., Haythorne, S., Perry, G.L.W., Wilmshurst, J.M., Austin, J.J., Fordham, D.A. 2024. Ecological dynamics of moa extinctions reveal convergent refugia that today harbour flightless birds. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8, 1472-1481. Journal
- Asena, Q., PERRY, G.L.W, & Wilmshurst, J.M. 2024. Is the past recoverable from the data? Pseudoproxy modelling of uncertainties in palaeoecological data. The Holocene, 09596836241247304. Journal.
- Vanderhoorn, J.M.M., Wilmshurst, J.M., Richardson, S.J., Etherington, T.R., & PERRY, G.L.W. 2024. Revealing the palaeoecology of silent taxa: selecting proxy species from associations in modern vegetation data. Journal of Biogeography 51, 1299-1314. Journal.
- Tomlinson, S., Lomolino, M.V., Anderson, A. Austin, J.J., Brown, S.C., Haythorne, S., PERRY, G.L.W., Wilmshurst, J.M., Wood, J.R ,& Fordham, D. A. 2024. Reconstructing colonization dynamics to establish how human activities transformed island biodiversity. Scientific Reports 14, 1-13. Open access.
- Shi, Y., Brierley, G., PERRY, G. L. W., Gao, J., Li, X., Prishchepov, A. V., Li, J., & Han, M. (2024). An improved approach to estimate stocking rate and carrying capacity based on remotely sensed phenology timings. Remote Sensing 16, Article 11. Open access.
- Etherington, T.R., O’Sullivan, D., Richards, D.R. & Wainwright, J. 2024. A least-cost network neutral landscape model of human sites and routes. Landscape Ecology 39, 52. Open access.
- McGlone, M.S., Heenan, P.B. & PERRY, G.L.W. 2024. Eco-evolutionary priority and the assembly of the New Zealand flora. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 54: 124-143. Journal.
- Lester, P. J., O’Sullivan, D., & PERRY, G. L. W. 2023. Gene drives for invasive wasp control: Extinction is unlikely, with suppression dependent on dispersal and growth rates. Ecological Applications, e2912. Open access.
- Richardson, S. J., McCarthy, J. K., Tanentzap, A. J., Houliston, G. J., Ausseil, A.-G., Wilton, A. D., Clearwater, M. J., Burge, O. R., PERRY, G. L. W., & McGlone, M. S. 2023. Gender dimorphic species flower earlier than cosexuals. Journal of Ecology 111: 2401-2411. Open access.
- Boast, A. P., Wood, J. R., Bolstridge, N., Perry, G. L.W., & Wilmshurst, J. M. 2023. Ancient and modern scats record broken ecological interactions and a decline in dietary breadth of the critically endangered kākāpō parrot (Strigops habroptilus). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11. Open access.
- Carpenter, J. K., Perry, G. L. W., & Wilmshurst, J. M. (2023). Palaeoecological and historical observations of an endemic New Zealand bird (Strigops habroptila, kākāpō) reveal shifting drivers of decline during 800 years of human settlement. Global Ecology and Conservation, 43, e02433. Open access.
- Shi, Y., Gao, J., Brierley, G., & Perry, G.L.W. 2023. Toward accurate estimation of catchment-scale grassland AGB based on Google Earth Engine and Tensorflow in the grazing adapted alpine meadow in the Yellow River Source Zone, Western China. Grass & Forage Science 78: 237-253. Journal.
- Cui, X., Dai, D., Huang, C., Wang, B., Li, S. You, C, Paterson, A.M., Perry, G.L.W., Buckley, H.L., Cubino, J.P., Wyse, S.V., Alan, M.A., Zhou, S., Xiao, L., Cao, D., Xu, Z & Curran, T.J. 2023.Climatic conditions affect shoot flammability by influencing flammability-related functional traits in non-fire-prone habitats. New Phytologist 240: 105-113. Journal.
- Peralta, G., Webber, C., PERRY, G.L.W., Stouffer, D.B., Vazques, D.P. & Tylianakis, J.M. 2023. Scale-dependent effects of landscape structure on pollinator traits, species interactions and pollination success. Ecography, e06453. Open access.
- Ogden, J. & PERRY, G.L.W. 2023. Ranges of woody plant species and ferns on forested elevational gradients on Aotea-Great Barrier Island, New Zealand: the role of zones of permanent and temporary establishment. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 47: 3512. Open access.
- Perry, G.L.W., Sield, R., Bellve, A. & Rammer, W. 2022. An outlook for deep learning in ecosystem science. Ecosystems 25: 1700-1718. Open access.
- Carter, Z. T., Hanson, J. O., Perry, G.L.W. & Russell, J. C. 2022. Incorporating management action suitability in conservation plans. Journal of Applied Ecology 59: 2581-2592. Open access.
- Lee, F., Simon, K.S. & Perry, G.L.W. 2022. Network topology mediates freshwater fish metacommunity response to loss of connectivity. Ecosphere 13, e4286. Open access.
- Etherington, T.R., Perry, G.L.W. & Wilmshurst, J. M. 2022. HOTRUNZ: An open-access 1 km resolution monthly 1910–2019 time series of interpolated temperature and rainfall grids with associated uncertainty for New Zealand. Earth System Science Data 14: 2817–2832. Open access.
- Lee, F., Simon, K.S., & Perry, G.L.W. 2022. River networks: An analysis of simulating algorithms and graph metrics used to quantify topology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 13: 1374–1387. Journal.
- Gladstone-Gallagher, R.V., Tylianakis, J.M., Yletyinen, J., Dakos, V., Douglas, E.J., Greenhalgh, S., Hewitt, J.E., Hikuroa, D., Lade, S.J., Le Heron, R., Norkko, A., Perry, G.L.W., Pilditch, C.A., Schiel, D., Siwicka, E., Warburton, H. & Thrush, S.F. 2022. Social-ecological connections across land, water, and sea demand a reprioritization of environmental management. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 10: 00075. Journal.
- Brierley G, Li X, Fryirs K, Gao J, Shi Y, Perry GLW, Cullum C. 2022. Development of place-based catenal models for grassland ecosystems of the Upper Yellow River, Western China. Catena 213: 106193. Journal.
- Cui X, Paterson AM, Perry GLW, Wyse SV, Alam MA, Huang C, Zhou S, Xiao L, Lai C, He F, Cao D, Marshall K, Curran TJ. 2022. Intraspecific variation in shoot flammability in Dracophyllum rosmarinifolium is not predicted by habitat environmental conditions. Forest Ecosystems 9: 100017. Journal.
- Cunningham CX, Perry GLW, Bowman DMJS, Forsyth DM, Driessen MM, Appleby M, Brook BW, Hocking G, Buettel JC, French BJ, Hamer R, Bryant SL, Taylor M, Gardiner R, Proft K, Scoleri VP, Chiu-Werner A, Travers T, Thompson L, Guy T, Johnson CN. 2022. Dynamics and predicted distribution of an irrupting ‘sleeper’ population: fallow deer in Tasmania. Biological Invasions 24: 1131–1147. Journal.
- Francis, R., Millington, J.D.A, Perry, G.L.W., Minor, E. (eds); (2021). The Routledge Handbook of Landscape Ecology. Routledge. 502 p. Edited book.
- Brierley G, Tunnicliffe J, Bizzi S, Lee F, Perry, G.L.W., Poeppl R, Fryirs K. 2021. Quantifying sediment (dis)connectivity in the modeling of river systems. In: Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. Elsevier. p B9780128182345000000.
- Perry, G.L.W., Brazier, R., Wilmshurst, J.M. 2021. The role of palaeoecology in understanding landscape-level ecosystem dynamics. In: The Routledge Handbook of Landscape Ecology (ed. Francis, R., Millington, J.D.A, Perry, G.L.W., Minor, E.). Routledge, p. 264-282.
- Lee, F., Zhang, J., Simpkins, C.E., Becker, J.A. & Perry, G.L.W. 2021. Spatially structured ecosystems, connectivity and movement. In: The Routledge Handbook of Landscape Ecology (ed. Francis, R., Millington, J.D.A, Perry, G.L.W., Minor, E.). Routledge, p. 91-117.
- Perry, G. L. W., Brower, A., Harré, N., Hodges, D., Maysek, F. J., Lyver, P. O., Taylor, R., Todd, J. H., Tylianakis, J. M., Yletyinen, J., & Richardson, S. J. (2021). Evaluating the role of social norms in fostering pro-environmental behaviours. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9, 620215. Open access.
- Perry, G.L.W., Wilmshurst, J.M., Wood, J.R. 2021. Reconstructing ecological functions provided by extinct fauna using allometrically informed simulation models: An in silico framework for ‘movement palaeoecology’. Functional Ecology 35: 2575–92. Journal.
- Yletyinen, J., Perry, G.L.W., Burge, O.R., Mason, N.W.H. & Stahlmann-Brown, P. 2021. Invasion landscapes as social-ecological systems: role of social factors in invasive plant species control. People and Nature, Open access
- Yletyinen J., Perry G.L.W., Brown P., Pech R. & Tylianakis J.M. 2021. Multiple social network influences can generate unexpected environmental outcomes. Scientific Reports. 11: Article number: 9768. Open access.
- Perry, G.L.W. 2021. How far might plant-eating dinosaurs have moved seeds? Biology Letters 17: 20200689. Journal. See also this NY Times write-up!
- Macinnis-Ng, C., Mcintosh, A. R., Monks, J.M., Waipara, N., White, R.S., Boudjelas, S., Clark, C.D., Clearwater, M.J., Currant, T.J., Dickinson, K.J., Nelson, N., Perry, G.L.W., Richardson, S.J., Stanley, M.C. & Peltzer, D. 2021. Climate-change impacts exacerbate conservation threats in island systems: New Zealand as a case study. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 19: 216-224. Journal.
- Perry, G.L.W., & McGlone, M.S. 2021. Networks and themes in the publications of the New Zealand Ecological Society over the last six decades. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 45 (1). Open access.